MURAL and Google Present: Relay for Better Remote Collaboration

Wednesday, June 23, 10:00am PT // 45 minutes

Collaborating when teams are distributed across space and time poses a new set of challenges. From designing synchronous time for the most impact, to facilitating asynchronously to keep creative momentum and engagement, Design Sprints and Design Thinking sessions are evolving to adapt to the constraints of distributed circumstances.

In February 2021, two groups of Sprint Leaders came together to explore the concept of collaboration as a relay, learning and sharing across groups and timezones, and identifying effective methods for problem solving. Join us to learn more about how these innovation leaders integrate modes of working together and individually to deliver more effective outcomes for teams.

About Google Relay: Google’s 2021 Relay event brought together 100+ experts from the sprint community (virtually, of course) to co-create the tools, mindsets, and scenarios to spark ideas and explore tactics for the future of collaboration and sprinting, while staying flexible, inclusive, and very much human-centered.